Earth Moving and planting galore
The weather hasn’t been great for gardening, but decisions were made by the gardening committee and a good start was made today, with a couple of tonnes of earth moved into the raised beds and other areas where it was needed, and cabbages, onions and potatoes were planted.
A call went out from our chairman for help in getting the gardening work started and the men responded in great fashion. Gloves were donned, spades and wheelbarrows were getting great use, (even if there were some complaints about the old one with the dodgy wheel, but a spray or two of WD40 will give the old wheelbarrow a new lease of life) A fabulous start was made.
We had great produce from the raised beds and the poly tunnel last year, and we’re hoping for another bumper crop this year.

We are hoping for better weather in the coming days and weeks so we can spend more time in the garden.
Well done to the gardening committee for organising, and to everyone who helped out today.